15 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba

10 Biggest Fast Food Chains In The United States / Amerika'nın En Büyük Fast Food Markaları

It's no secret that America loves fast food,
but do you know just how much and just which restaurants?

Fast food chains, known in the food industry as Quick Service Restaurants or QSRs,
get ranked every year by lots of different criteria.
Here are your top ten, America,
by both revenue generated in 2011 and number of locations,
as ranked by QSR Magazine.

Revenue isn't the only measure of success when it comes to fast food chains --
 they also compete for size and reach.

Here are the biggest QSRs in the U.S., by number of locations:
  1. Subway, 24,722
  2. McDonald’s, 14,098
  3. Starbucks, 10,821
  4. Pizza Hut, 7,600
  5. Burger King, 7,231
  6. Dunkin’ Donuts, 7,015
  7. Wendy’s, 6,594
  8. Dairy Queen, 6,187
  9. Taco Bell, 5,670
  10. Domino’s Pizza, 4,907

McDonald's Sales Stall For First Time In 9 Years / McDonald's Satışları Son 9 Yılda İlk Defa Düştü

McDonald's Corp. says a key revenue figure came in flat in July, its worst showing in more than nine years, as diners pulled back amid a rough economy. After years of outperforming rivals with a string of popular new items, the snag also suggests competition is intensifying for the world's biggest hamburger chain.
The last time the global sales figure dipped for McDonald's was in April of 2003. The figure had grown every month since then, even through the recession.
"McDonald's may be underperforming the industry, which is not typical for them," said Sara Senatore, a Bernstein analyst. She noted that Taco Bell is showing strength as a result of its popular new Doritos-flavored tacos, with revenue at restaurants open at least a year registering double-digit growth in the second quarter.
Burger King Worldwide Inc. and Wendy's Co. are also revamping their menus and stepping up their marketing campaigns.
In the U.S., McDonald's said its promotions failed to drive growth in July, and revenue at restaurants open at least 13 months dipped 0.1 percent. The Oak Brook, Ill.-based company also says it faced a tough comparison from a year ago, when it launched the mango pineapple smoothie.
The figure dipped 0.6 percent in Europe because of weakness in Germany and several Southern European markets. It fell 1.5 percent in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region – a key growth area for McDonald's.
Sales in Latin America and Canada, which are not reported separately, helped pull overall results even with last year.
Overall, analysts polled by Thomson Reuters had expected growth of 2.8 percent in July.

Revenue in restaurants open at least 13 months is a key measure of a restaurant chain's performance because it strips out the impact of recently opened or closed stores. The figures are a snapshot of money spent on food at both company-owned and franchised restaurants. They do not reflect corporate revenue.
In economically hard-hit regions, McDonald's has been working to emphasize the value of its meals to entice penny-pinching consumers to eat out more often. In Europe, which accounts for 40 percent of the company's business, the company said last month that guest traffic was down in several regions during the second quarter.
McDonald's, which has more than 33,500 locations around the world, is often seen as a bellwether for the industry. Its stock price has nearly quadrupled over the past decade and surpassed the $100 mark late last year. But shares have since declined and closed down almost 2 percent at $87.53 Wednesday.
The company has exceeded expectations over the years by emphasizing value and evolving its menu to keep up with changing tastes. Some of its most successful new offerings – such as snack wraps and specialty coffees – have high profit margins, yet give customers a way to treat themselves for just a few bucks.
"This chain has gone through a complete metamorphosis since the early part of the 2000s," said Jack Russo, an analyst with Edward Jones. Now McDonald's may struggle to continue delivering the same level of growth, he said.
"Instead of leading the pack as they have for so long, they're running with the pack," he said.
Still, Russo noted that disappointing results for one month don't necessarily spell doom for McDonald's. He noted that there was also one less Friday and Saturday in July, which likely affected sales, and the timing of Ramadan this year could have hurt sales in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa region. And McDonald's sheer size still gives it a considerable marketing edge over competitors going forward.
Growth might not be as fast in the future but still should be "respectable," Russo said. "There's something to be said for consistency."
CEO Don Thompson, who took the helm in July, said in a statement Wednesday that he's confident the company will build sales over the long term.
McDonald's said it plans to restart growth in the U.S. by continuing to offer variety and new menu items. In Europe, it said it will boost customer traffic by featuring everyday value items. In Asia, the company has been working to offer locally relevant menu options and "convenience enhancements," such as delivery.
But there are no signs competitors will pull back on their efforts or that the economic climate will improve. Last month, McDonald's said its net income fell 4 percent in the second quarter as unfavorable currency exchange rates and high costs ate into profits.
Revenue at restaurants open at least a year rose 3.7 percent in that quarter, which was the slowest growth since the fourth quarter of 2009.

Chile Sues Fast Food Chains / Şili, Fast Food Devlerine Dava Açtı

A new law in Chile aims to take some of the fun out of fast-food by forcing McDonald's, Burger King, KFC and other restaurants to stop including toys and other goodies with children's meals.
The companies are still using toys to draw in Chile's increasingly chubby children more than a month after the ban took effect on June 7, Sen. Giudo Girardi said as he filed a formal complaint Wednesday with the health ministry.
"These businesses know that this food damages the health of children and they know that the law is in effect. They're using fraudulent and abusive means," Girardi said.
The complaint also targets makers of cereal, popsicles and other products that attract children with toys, crayons or stickers, as well as markets that sell the food.
If Chile's health ministry upholds his allegations, the companies could be forced to remove the goodies or face nominal fines.
The Associated Press left messages seeking reaction with spokesmen for McDonald's Corp., Burger King Worldwide Inc. and KFC's owner, Yum Brands Inc.
Girardi said he wrote the law because nearly a quarter of Chile's 6-year-olds now suffer from childhood obesity – and that its passage came despite seven years of industry lobbying.
"These corporations threatened that if the law was approved there would be no more money for children's foundations, the sick, or athletes, but we were finally able to create a great alliance between the civil society and scientists to defeat these lobbyists," the senator said.
McDonald's Happy Meals – marketed as "Cajitas Felices" in Spanish – have been a major draw for 4-year-old Florencia Moraga, who was playing with her Ice Age movie toys Wednesday night with her father Ricardo at a restaurant in downtown Santiago.
"I loooove McDonald's because of the toys in the Happy Meal!" Florencia said.
Moraga said he takes his daughter every two weeks to the fast-food chain, but would not come back if she becomes overweight.
"She's healthy, skinny, but a kid with obesity was just sitting next to us. If I were his father I wouldn't bring him here," he said.
The Washington-based Center for Science in the Public Interest sued McDonalds over using toys to market its food to children in 2010, but the claim was dismissed in April. San Francisco banned restaurants last year from providing toys along with meals high in fat, salt, and sugar, but McDonalds has continued providing toys there by charging consumers a small fee for the goodies. A similar measure was defeated in New York.
The experience of both U.S. cities helped Girardi craft his "junk food law," his spokeswoman, Carol Bortnick, said.
Sara Deon, an activist with Corporate Accountability International, campaigned for the measures in San Francisco and New York, and praised Chile for passing its law. But she said "Chilean public servants should have no illusions" about implementing it.
"Judging from McDonald's response to similar health laws in the U.S. we'd expect the corporation to respond as it long has: it will fight tooth and nail to continue marketing to children," she said. "It will take every opportunity to blame parents for today's health epidemic. Marketing to kids is core to McDonald's brand and to its bottom line."

14 Ağustos 2012 Salı

Surf ‘N‘ Fries Mobil Satış Noktaları

Henüz çok genç bir Fast Food markası olmasına karşın, ürünlerinin kalitesi ve lezzeti, markanın ruhu ve sahip olduğu enerji ve dinamizm ile Avrupa’da hızla yayılan Surf N Fries, ülkemizdeki ilk şubelerini bu yıl içinde İstanbul’da açacak.

Özel  soslu  patateslerinin  lezzeti  tüm  Avrupa’ya  yayılan      Surf N Fries, ayrıca, ürünlerinin sunumunu yaptığı patentli ve ödüllü ambalajları ile de çok dikkat çekiyor.

Markanın ortaklarından Mustafa Parlak, 2009’da Hırvatistan’da açılan ilk Surf‘n’Fries restoranının ardından, ürünlerin çok beğenildiğini bundan da önemlisi Surf‘n’Fries ‘ın toplumun her kesimi tarafından çabucak benimsendiğini belirtti. 

Şu anda Hırvatistan’da 50 ‘ye yakın noktada Surf‘n’Fries’a ulaşmak mümkün.
Bununla da kalmıyor, Slovenya, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Bosna-Hersek, Karadağ gibi diğer ülkelerde de Surf‘n’Fries zincirleri  bulunuyor. Mustafa Bey, önümüzdeki sene içinde, ABD, Almanya, Avustralya, İspanya ve İtalya’da da Surf‘n’Fries Franchiselarının açılacağını belirtiyor.

Türkiye pazarı için özel olarak tasarlanan ve pilot noktalarda çok başarı sağlayan Surf N Fries Mobil Ünitelerinin de ülkemizde çok beğeni kazanacağına inandığını belirten Mustafa Parlak, restoranlarının yanında, Mobil Ünitelerle de Surf N Fries lezzetine ulaşmayı kolaylaştırmak amacında olduklarını belirtiyor.

Patentle korunma altındaki şık dizaynı, son teknoloji kızartma ekipmanlarıyla donanmış Surf N Fries Mobil Üniteleri, franchiserlar için son derece karlı ve uygun yatırım şansı yaratmasının yanı sıra, Avrupa'nın en hızlı büyüyen fast food markası olan Surf N Fries ailesine ulaşımı da kolaylaştırıyor.

McDonald's Özel AVM Uygulaması

, geçtiğimiz günlerde İstanbul Cevahir AVM'de gerçekleştirdiği iki özel uygulamayla Türkiye'de ilkleri gerçekleştirdi.

İlk özel uygulamada; Zemin kattaki platformdaki "Şahane Bir Öğle Yemeği Saatini Öğrenmek İçin Yukarı Bakın" mesajını görenler, yukarı baktıklarında Cevahir AVM'nin saatinin 12'den 3'e kadar gösterdiği bölümde "Öğlen 12'den 3'e ye-Mc Şahane!" mesajıyla karşılaştı.

İkinci özel uygulamada ise; Yemek katı yürüyen merdivenlerinin tam önüne, McDonald's tak'ı konuldu. Yürüyen merdivenler kampanya mesajlarıyla giydirildi ve tak'ın hemen yanındaki rakete kampanya afişi asıldı.